3️⃣Check for any bugs inside the inspection jar
Detect any findings
If no bugs are visible, it may be sufficient to simply clean the module before re-inserting it back into the leg.
Inspection of the contents is easier when the inspection jar is placed on a white surface, such as a paper towel or other light-colored material.
Detect bed bugs
Bed bugs have distinct characteristics that can help with their identification, including:
Flat body shape
Brown or reddish-brown coloration
Six legs and two antennae
Adult bed bugs typically measure around 5-7 mm in length, while younger bed bugs (nymphs) can be as small as 1.5 mm.
If you discover any bed bugs, it's important to conduct a room inspection to prevent the spread of the infestation.
Other findings
Most common findings:
Dust, sometimes too much dust in the module triggers detection alert.
Other insects
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